9 Ways to earn and Build Customer Loyalty - Authors' Guilds

9 Ways to earn and Build Customer Loyalty

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9 Ways to earn and Build Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is a measure of how likely your customers are to do repeat business with you. Earning quality leads and engaging would-be customers might be the most complicated part of building your business. After all, you depend on loyal customers to help grow your reach and develop a successful brand. 

There are tons of benefits to having loyal customers, including free advertising by word-of-mouth and positive online reviews. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to build Customer loyalty and convert them to happy, paying customers – just ask Authors’ Guilds Copywriting

Showcase Your Credibility

You’re an expert in your niche – right? Whether you’re launching a brand-new startup or are aiming to grow a small business, showcasing your expertise and credibility is crucial for getting new clients. There are a few simple ways to earn customer trust, engage with clients, and ensure repeat business.

Customer Loyalty Tip #1. Prioritize the Customer

Putting your customers first is the most significant sticking point in any business. Making clients happy is a must, so understanding their needs is your first step. Your product or service should address customer pain points – solving a problem or curing an ill. Marketing something that your audience doesn’t need doesn’t build credibility, and it won’t earn you sales, either.

Customer Loyalty Tip #2. Show a Human Side

With so many processes automated these days, somewhere around 75 percent of global consumers crave human touch, notes eMarketer. Regardless of your business model – whether online or in-person – make it easy for shoppers to connect with a person to get their questions answered, and their needs met. Showing that you’re human, too, is an excellent way to gain client trust.

Customer Loyalty Tip #3. Give Your Knowledge Away for Free

Everyone loves freebies, and your potential customer is no different. It might seem counterintuitive to give something away for free when you’re struggling to grow a lucrative business. But giving your audience something for nothing is an excellent strategy for garnering interest and loyalty, points out Shopify. Plus, freebies can help draw in an otherwise reluctant audience – a key for your next step.

Embrace Digital Marketing

Digital marketing for small businesses can seem a bit overwhelming. Realizing that your business and brand have to be practically everywhere online feels daunting. But by embracing digital marketing in your startup, you’ll be miles ahead of the competition – and poised to attract a larger pool of customers.

Customer Loyalty Tip #4. Start Local with GMB

If your startup or small business has a physical location, this step is vital. Google My Business listings are geographically based search results that can help consumers find your store or office. When a customer searches for services or products that you offer, their physical location will position your brand at the top of their results page. Google makes it simple to sign up, so you can start getting discovered right away.

Customer Loyalty Tip #5. Jump on Content Marketing

Content marketing for a small business can help grow awareness of your brand and develop your company identity. “Content” can involve everything from blog posts to social media to YouTube videos, and more. Helpful, personal, and a smidge of promotional content can help entice audiences and create a loyal following online. The benefits of content marketing are an organically growing audience that is passionate about what you have to offer.

Customer Loyalty Tip #6. Learn to Navigate SEO

While a GMB listing is an excellent first step toward search engine optimization, there’s more to do than plugging your company’s name and location into the web. You’ll also need to build your company’s website for SEO. If you’re new to digital marketing, all the terms and acronyms can feel intimidating.

It may be worth hiring an expert to help out – but in simple terms, every piece of content you send out online should have relevant keywords and terms attached. That way, when a potential client searches for a topic, product, or service they’re interested in, your content will come up.

Use Digital Tools to Save Time

Though strategies like social media marketing and digital advertising technically fall under “digital marketing,” a handful of helpful tools can make your efforts more impactful. Plus, incorporating tools can automate your processes, saving you time while attracting and impressing consumers.

Customer Loyalty Tip #7. Automate Where You Can

While the human element is essential in many parts of your business, it is possible to develop your “human” plan and then automate it. Learning how to convert leads into paying clients starts with knowing what your audience needs. The next step is convincing them that your solution is the right (and only) one for them.

For example, you might hire a copywriter to craft a cold email that invites consumers to a special offer or product launch. If your offer speaks to consumers’ needs, they’ll be enticed to click. Based on their responses and interest level, you can then re-align your promotion to suit consumer needs. They don’t need to know that your process is automatic, but they will see the value in your product or service, and a seamless customer journey is ultimately what you’re after.

Customer Loyalty Tip #8. Take Advertising Seriously

Social media and SEO are great tools for helping your brand get ‘seen.’ But digital advertising can also be a crucial part of attracting new clients. With paid ads or pay-per-click (PPC) ads, you can target specific demographics by social media platform, boosting your odds of being seen by prospective audiences.

Customizing your ads means you’re more likely to appear in front of consumers who are already looking for what you offer – instead of annoying people with blanket advertisements that don’t address their pain points.

Customer Loyalty Tip #9. Get That Organization Done

Operating a business can get complicated, and it’s essential to take care of the basics so you can focus on your customers. Forming an LLC, for example, means less paperwork to deal with even as your organization grows. Using a formation service makes it easy, and you can move on to other aspects of running your company.

Charming shoppers into sticking around and becoming loyal clients can be a challenge. But with the right client-focused strategy in place, you can attract and retain an audience that is just as enthusiastic about your brand as you are about serving them.

Are you ready to hire an expert copywriter to craft the copy for your digital marketing efforts? Contact Authors’ Guilds Copywriting today!

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