Social media marketing is one of the best ways to reach your target audience, turn them into customers, and keep them interested in your brand. However, before including it in your marketing budget, you’ll need to know the laws of social media marketing so that you can get a better ROI.
Social media marketing laws are not so complicated. It is all about knowing the fundamentals that will help your online brand and boost sales, such as creating quality content to promoting audience engagement.
If you are new to social media marketing, everything could look challenging and daunting. However, knowing the laws and learning from the mistake of others can make your learning process more comfortable. Here are some of the rules of social media marketing you should keep at heart:
You are on social media for one purpose- to know more about your customers. Even though you want to make new customers, at the end of the day, you also want to retain the old. Moreover, to be successful at that, you need to learn how to anticipate your customers’ needs to serve them better. The best way you can do this is by listening and observing.
How do you learn what’s most important to your customers? By reading their comments, posts, discussions, joining discussion forums, requesting feedback, and so on. When you know what your customers prefer, then you’ll be able to create quality content that will add value to their lives and also increase engagements.
Quantity may seem tempting, especially when you want to show off. However, the real winners are those that understand the importance of quality and stick with it. Your primary focus shouldn’t be the number of followers your brand has but the quality of the followers.
Never replace quality for quantity. It’s really of no use having millions of followers who don’t react to any post you make or even drop a comment. What you need are followers who are ever ready to interact with your content by liking and dropping comments. You can only achieve this by sticking with quality.
It’s easy to run a campaign ad that will get thousands of people viewing your profile. However, if you don’t have any quality content for the viewers, there’s no way they are staying on your page for more than a minute.
Quality contents here does not mean continually promoting your product and services but also coming up with informational materials that will add value to the lives of your followers. When you follow this approach, your followers will see your brand as genuinely caring for their problems and giving them solutions through your products and services.
Unless you want fake followers, it takes time for a brand to grow a large following. You don’t open a social media account today and get a million followers immediately. It takes time and effort to build relationships with your customers, get them to grow past liking a post to dropping comments and then anticipating your content or products. Achieving all these requires patience and strategic planning.
When mapping your social media marketing strategy, it is better to have a goal that you intend to achieve. Focus on that goal until you are successful. For example, you can decide that in three months, you are going to build a strong brand online.
For that time, let all your resources be towards achieving that goal rather than trying to create an ad campaign to boost sales. Avoid spreading yourself thinly as it would only burn your mental energy without any tangible result.
Also, it would help if you always concentrated on your target audience rather than trying to reach out to audiences that don’t care about your brand, especially when you are trying to organize a contest or giveaway.
When you’ve successfully applied the rule of quality and focus on your social media strategy, the result is the law of compounding. Your target audience would want to share your quality content with their audience on various social media networks, blogs, and websites, which helps to improve your online presence.
Your search visibility increases even on Google if your content relates to what people are searching for. So here, you are getting high-interest rates when you keep to the laws of social media marketing.
This law refers to being open, accessible, and available to your audience. They shouldn’t view you as a demi-god who puts out content like you are giving them their daily bread, but as a friend, they can always interact with and come to for advice.
Your target audience needs to see the effort you are making to build a relationship with them, and you can only do this by promptly replying to their questions and having a healthy conversation with them on your post. So, avoid sharing content and disappearing that very minute. Hang around and interact with your audience.
Influencers help to improve the online presence of a brand and help them boost sales. They should be part of your social media strategy.
Search and connect with influencers who share similar interests with you, share interests with your line of products or whose audience matches your target and build a relationship with them.
Also, get them to make comments about your product so that their followers can see. You can do this by making yourself an authority where they can get useful information so that they can share your content or pay them to do so.
Moreover, If you have a smaller brand than the influencers, you can take the route of promoting their content on your social media platforms in a bid to get their attention and form a relationship that could make room for future reciprocation. Also, try to reach out to their audience to check out your page.
When they share content about your business with their followers, it gives your brand more exposure and helps you reach a new audience that could impact your business positively.
Don’t ignore those that try to reach out to you online, even if you feel they rank lower than your brand. You never can tell how useful they will be to your brand in the future. So, always make it a point of duty to acknowledge those that reach out to you.
It’s only fair to share the contents of someone who shares your content. If you want your materials to get shared on social media, take out time to share those of other brands. Avoid being self-centered and help to build up other brands too.