How to create a twitter list - Authors' Guilds
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How to create a twitter list

Twitter list is the bringing together of twitter usernames with a maximum of 5,000 usernames in one list. You can create up to 1,000 twitter list.

Using twitter list allows you organize your feed to see tweets from users you consider essential or exciting first so that you don’t miss out on their tweets, which can get easily drowned by the 500 million tweets sent per day on Twitter. Twitter lists also help improve engagement by reducing the time you use in sifting through the tweets you consider unnecessary. It allows you to see and interact with the important ones. 

When you’ve created the list, you can always click on it to see all the tweets from the people you included in that list in one timeline, thereby allowing you to view their tweets away from your main timeline. You can decide to make a list you’d created public, private. Making it public or means other people can get to see it while private means you are the only one that can see the tweets. 

Creating a Twitter list

Creating a Twitter list is straightforward. You can do it from your twitter profile page. To create the list, click on your profile image, and you will see a drop-down menu, select listings.

You can also go to your profile page where you have your tweets,  number of followers, and other twitter statistics. You’ll find it there too. Click on create new list located at the top right side.

Enter the title and optional list description for your new list, which shouldn’t be more than 25 characters, while the list description shouldn’t be more than 99 characters. You can now decide if you want other people to see the list or not by checking the private or public box.

To see the list you’ve created, click on your profile image, and choose “lists.” If they don’t appear the way you want, you can try refreshing the page if you are using a computer. 

Adding people to your twitter list

You can add the twitter username of anyone you consider essential, be it authority from your industry, competitors, or influencers. You don’t need to follow everyone you add to the list.

However, if the person you added to the list blocks you, their user’s username would be removed from the list. You can also find people to add on your list.

Go to the profile page of the username you wish to add, click the three vertical dots, which indicates more user action. You’ll see the add or remove from list option; click on it to add the person to your list. 

Editing a twitter list

You can decide to add or delete user names by locating the one from which you want to remove the name. On the list page, you’ll see “list members” located on the left side of the page, click on it to access the username in that list. Locate the username you want to remove and click the button at the right side, which indicates more user’s action.

You can also remove the name from the twitter page of the username. All you need to do is click the add or remove from the list on the person’s profile page to reveal the list or lists you’ve added the person. Please uncheck the box(es) next to the list to remove them.

How to grow your brand using your twitter list

Creating a Twitter list is a great way to build your brand and make proper use of your time. Here’s how it helps:

Keeps you invisible 

Monitoring the tweets of your competitors to see what they are up to is necessary, but if you don’t want to follow them or continuously search for their page to see their latest update, you can add them to your twitter list and make it private.

You can even create a list where you add all your competitors so you can see all their tweets in one timeline. However, ensure you checked the “private” button before you begin adding usernames to the list unless they’ll get a notification from Twitter to inform them that you’ve added them to a list.

Aside from using lists to monitor your competitors, you can also have access to their lists and those they’ve been added to see who they have been following too. 

Bring all your products in one list

If there are different twitter accounts for your different products, regions or even functions such as the official Twitter account for your brand and then the customer’s help desk.

You can monitor all their activities and audience engagement from one list without distractions. You can make the list public so that Twitter users see them, leading to an increase in your brand’s visibility. 

Stay up to date

You’ll never miss an important update on happenings and conversations around you if you include the necessary sources in your twitter list. 

Get people’s attention

If you want to get the attention of influential people in your industry, add their accounts to your twitter list. They would get a notification that someone added them to a list, and when they check the person out,  they might proceed to view your profile page, which could hook their attention.

It’s one of the easiest ways to get noticed by people you admire and respect in the industry. You can also create a list of all the essential updates you want to see and engage with during your spare time. 

Connect with event attendees 

Connect with people going for the same event with you by adding them to a Twitter list and monitoring their tweets and activities to know who is worth striking conversations with during the events.

You can also keep the communication lines open after an event, not through business cards or email exchange, but your twitter list.

Check the organizer’s Twitter profile page to see if they have a list of the event’s attendants. If not, send them a message to create one or create it yourself using people you connected with at the event and those who have posted tweets using the event’s name as a hashtag.

Monitor list you appear

If you got added to any list, you’d get a notification. It is advisable to check out the person who has added you to see if it’s someone important to follow or add to your list. You should also check to see if it’s something that can cause harm to your brand’s image so that you can remove your account from the list immediately. 

Subscribing to lists

You can subscribe to already created lists of accounts relevant to your niche. To find the listings to join,  head over to the profile pages of industry peers or accounts pertinent to your niche and have a look at the list they’ve created, added it subscribed to by clicking on the list tab. Find the ones that interest you the most, and click subscribe.

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